Creating time for yourself

Our lives are extremely busy these days and sadly we seem to be loosing any time for ourselves. Important time to allow for decompressing from our daily demands. It’s rare that we get a few minutes here and there to relax and catch our breath. Trying to find 20 to 30 minutes of uninterrupted time can seem impossible. How often do you find yourself thinking or saying the following:

“I never have time for me.”

“I need more hours in the day.”

“I don’t have time for that. ”

“I wish I had more time.”

Yet, at our core, we know that we need time to ourselves and that it is very important. When we take time to relax, chase our passions, or even (Gasp!!) do absolutely nothing, we end up being happier and healthier. Time to ourselves allows us to decompress, rejuvenate, and heal our mind, body, and soul.

There are only 24 hours in a day and no matter how much we will it to be, there will never be more than 24.  Self-time is very important and something that needs to be inserted into our busy schedules. Below are steps you can take to find self-time that you deserve:

  • Allow yourself Me-Time: It is ok for you to take time for yourself without feeling guilty about it. Taking time for yourself is not selfish as it is a necessary part of self-care.
  • Look at time sinks: There are so many things you waist your time on. Examine what steals your time throughout the day. Are you constantly checking you electronic devices for texts or email? Are you running all over town one errand at a time instead of lumping them together into one outing? Eliminate those time sinks and free yourself up.
  • Make a commitment to yourself: Schedule 15 to 30 minutes each day for you in your calendar. Take that time and do something that gives you joy or allow yourself time to do nothing at all. The important thing is this is your time for you.
  • Make Me-time a daily ritual: It doesn’t matter if it’s walk with the woods, doing yoga, meditating, or even taking a bubble bath. Take the time each day, turn it into a ritual, and make it about you! Stop wishing you had more time and start making it!

You will find that when you make time for yourself, even 15 minutes a day, can make an incredible improvement in your health and happiness. Make time for yourself! You deserve it!