What is a Heath Coach?

The quick answer is that a Health Coach is supportive mentor who works with you to reach your goals by cultivating healthy choices and options. The coach ensures that you, the client, reaches your health goals by lifestyle and behavior adjustments through education, support and providing an accountability.  Below are two different articles that talk about Health Coaching from two different points of views.  Each one has very good points and are chalked full of good information.

In the article “What’s a Health Coach?” written by Sarah Haskins published by U.S. News & World Report – Health on February 4, 2015. In it she covers what a health coach is and what they do for clients.  She also touches on the fact that there are many different types of health coaches, but points out that The Institute for Integrative Nutrition (the school I am attending) is the most recognized and thourogh certification program.

Another article “Do You Need a Health Coach?” written by Donna Fuscaldo published by Fox Business on December 13, 2011.  Donna takes a look at Health Coaching from all sides with interviews with both Coaches and Physicians. She also touches on what Health Coaches provide for services and that they are there to support a person in working towards their individual goals.

I am sure there are many other articles out there and as I come across them I will share them with you.