A.B.C. (Almond butter, Banana, and Chia seed) Pudding

IMG_5479I am not exactly sure where I found the base recipe for this quick healthy breakfast or fast snack. To be honest I may have found it on a Paleo blog, Pinterest, or in a Book. At this point the where is not that important. After making this ABC Pudding for so many years I no longer need the recipe. I now have a  habit of add or remove ingredients to the recipe just to spice it up. That is the great thing about playing in the kitchen! You can take an idea, modify it to make it your own, and  turn it into something wonderful.


I use half pint jars with plastic lids since they are the perfect serving size and make it easy for storing them in the refrigerator. They will keep for about a week, though mine never same to stick around long enough. You can make one or make many. It’s totally up to you on what you do. I personally like to make six or eight so that I have grab and go meals or snacks on hand. Have fun with it and do not be afraid to play around.

Almond Butter, Banana, and Chia Seed Pudding.

Prep time:  5
Total time:  5
Serves: 1 (1 half pint jar)
  • 1 ripe Banana
  • 1 Tablespoon Almond Butter (Nut Butter of your choice)
  • ¼ cup Almond Milk or Coconut Milk (This measurement is an approximation)
  • 2 – 3 tbsp Chia Seeds (Depends on you tastes)
  1. In the jar, break up and mash the Banana with a fork. I prefer my pudding on the chunky side, but if you like it smooth keep mashing for a bit.
  2. Add the Almond Butter and incorporate it to the desired consistency. Again my preference is to have ribbons of Nut Butter lacing my pudding.
  3. Pour in the Almond Milk or Coconut Milk and fill the jar to about 1/2 inch from the rim. Carefully mix in until evenly blended.
  4. Add the Chia Seeds on top, seal the jar and give it a vigorous shake until seeds are distributed throughout the mixture.
  5. Refrigerator the jar for a least an hour to let the chia seeds plump up a bit and allow the pudding to setup.
The pudding may darken in color as it sits, but that will not affect the taste.