Easy to make Egg Cups

IMG_8952Back when I first started on my journey to eating better I sought out easy items that I could make on a Sunday to package up for the week as grab and go meals.  One of the breakfast items that I came across was from the Paleo Plan site for Baked Eggs in Bacon Rings and they were fantastic.  Though after some time I got tired of the repetition so I started to look around for ideas to change it up. Thanks to the power of Pinterest I found many different ideas on how to modify and play with the recipes.  Below is the basic recipe, but the great thing is that you can change it up!


Easy to make Egg Cups:

Prep time: 10 mins
Total time: 28 mins
Serves: 6 (2 egg cups per serving)


  • 1 dozen eggs
  • 1 package thin sliced meat (We used roast beef and Chicken)
  • Cup filling of your choice (We used Onion, minced garlic, Sun dried tomatoes, Basil, a little salt and Chipotle pepper flakes)


  • Pre-heat you oven to 375 F
  • Grease your 12-cup Muffin Pan. We use a olive oil cooking spray, but you can use bacon fat or coconut oil
  • Place one slice of meat into each of the cups and tamp it down to form a cup. Sort of like a muffin liner.
  • Spoon in about a tablespoon (more or less) of your filling of choice into the bottom of the meat lined muffin cup.
  • Crack the egg into each of the muffin cups on top of the filling.
  • If you have left over filling spoon a bit more over the top of each cup.
  • Place in the oven for 15 – 18 minutes depending on how well done you like your eggs.
  • To serve or package, loosen the egg cups with a spatula and transfer 2 muffins to a plate or a microwave safe storage container.

Visual of the assembly process

Lining the muffin cupsAdding the fillingAdding the EggFinal touch before BakingFinished BakingReady to Eat