Is an Egg in any other form is just as good?

Not long ago I posted an article about making Egg Cups.  Through a post on Facebook I discovered a friend was having issues with eggs.  She explained that she loved egg cups and she was making them all the time until she realized that the eggs were making her sick, so she gave them up.  Learning about this made me wonder: “What options are there for baking without eggs for folks who have egg allergies?”


After a bit of research on the web I came across the option of Flax eggs or Chia eggs.  They are both an easy substitution in some baking recipes that call for a small amount of eggs.  Please note that this substitute is NOT good for the Egg Cups mentioned above! (Smile)  So how do you make them and use them?  Regardless of whether you use Flax Seed or Chia Seeds, the preparations and ratios are the same.  Note: Freshly ground seeds work the best over the store bought pre-ground.  I have learned this from personal experience.

Flax Seed/ Chia Seed Egg:

Prep time: 2 minutes
Total time: 20 minutes
Makes: 1 egg


  • 1 Tablespoon Flax/ Chia Seed (fresh ground if possible)
  • 3 Tablespoons of water


  • Grind the Flax / Chia seeds in a coffee grinder, mortar & pestle, or spice grinder.
  • Measure out 1 Tablespoon of the ground seeds into a mixing bowl
  • Add 3 Tablespoons of water to the seeds
  • Whisk/ stir the ground seeds and water together well
  • Place mixture into the refrigerator for at least 15 minutes
  • Then use in your baking