Get Up and Get Moving!

People doing flexibility exercisesEating healthy and balanced meals is very important for your health, but without a regular exercise no amounts of wholesome food will make up for lack of activity. It has been shown that regular physical exertion can help enhance our health and well-being as well as increase the ability to lose weight.  In all honesty if you do not exercise you will have a hard time fulfilling your physical and mental potential and reaching you overall weight loss goals.


What are some of the benefits of exercising?

  • Weight control/ loss
  • Lowers blood pressure
  • Improves sleep quaitly
  • Increases balance and coordination
  • Improves flexibility
  • Aids in digestion
  • Decreases incidence of heart disease
  • Decreases inflammation
  • Improves immune function
  • Reduced risk of type 2 diabeties
  • Increases energy
  • Reduces stress

The most important thing to remember is to be active, whether it’s walking out in nature or hitting the weights at the gym, the point is to get out and do something! Find what works for you and do not be afraid to try new exercise types like walking, biking, hiking, yoga, Pilates, dancing, or simple strength trading like bodyweight workouts. The options are endless and the great thing is you can combined a few different types of exercises to create your own routine. The key is to find something fun that you enjoy doing, start slow, and make it consistent. The more you do it the more you will see the benefits like increased energy, improved mood, reduced stress, and optimal digestive health.  A great side-effect of exercising is the release of serotonin a hormone that creates an uplifting effect on your entire being.

I hear some say, “I just don’t have the motivation to do workouts alone.” Not to worry as you can build in an accountability factor that will sure you to be consistent with your workouts. Reach out to friends, family, teammates, a trainer, your coach, or your inner willpower to keep yourself in check. If you like, create a journal to note the exercise you are doing and how you feel about them. What is working or what is not working for you? Create small, weekly goals that you can use to track your process, inspire you keep up the hard work. Make it fun by giving yourself a little gift at the end of the week, like a massage, or 1 hour of tv guilt free, or a nice healthy meal out.  Whatever your gift is, be sure to stay faithful to your long term goal.