Contact Doug Keeney

Are you thinking that a Health Coach might be the solution you have been seeking?  

Great! Let’s talk.

The first step is a very simple one: schedule yourself a free consultation with me using the form below.

In your 50 minute one-on-one consultation we will get to know each other in a safe, relaxed, and confidential environment, explore your individual health goals, and decide together wether we would be a good fit to work with one another to achieve your goals.

Your consultant will take place at a place of your choosing whether it is in your own home, a coffeeshop, or another place you feel comfortable and can be scheduled by filing out the form below.

In truth, hiring a health coach is a long term investment in yourself and is a powerful sign that you are worth it. I certainly think you are.

If you agree, simply fill out the information below, and I will be in touch shortly.

“The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” – Lao Tzu

Not sure if you are ready for a consultation yet? It is all good. I want to build your trust. Get to know me:

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Have a question? Excellent! Feel free to contact me, I would love to hear from you!